Thursday, April 9, 2009

Could it be an interest or could it be just a dream?

I've always wandered and wonder what do I want to do with my life? My parents are both scientist. As for their last child, engineering was her interest....or so I thought.

These few years, I noticed that I have always had this curiousity and interest on biology. I would be studying in the library and during my break time I would actually go to the shelves labelled as 'Biology'. I would glance through the books and read bout the little details.

Did you know that our hair , its base chemical compounds are carbon (C) and hydrogen (H) and the way their chain connects to each other defines your hair becomes curly or straight?

Well..if you do or don't know, I am just sharing my thoughts.

But its fun isn't it? Hehe. Well it is for me at least.

The beach and the ocean, always been the place I will always call paradise on Earth. Aside from my craze for shopping. So again these few years, I notice that I have a passion for Marine. So the idea of Marine Biology or Marine Science would be something I would really want to pursue.

But with my previous experience from high school, selected IT but then my teacher sucked big time and also 'Thank you' to my school for making us as the first batch and weren't taken care of.

Then came Matriculation, I got into Physical Science.

And the rest is history and now I have a degree in Engineering.

I do have strong passion for fashion and marine science. But I think I'm at a point where my worries and fears have taken over.

And its too late to turn back the clock and do it all right again. Isn't it.

Well,I am too sleepy to type more.

Will talk about this again..soon. Hehe.



  1. Pardon me broken english!!!! hehe

  2. hahahaha..
    its ok.. who cares...
    but its true.. ngantuk lar petang2 ni.. heheheh..

  3. Sains Marin,

    Bagus subjaect itu. Kalau ikuti kursus Sains Marin di Universiti Darul Iman (Trengganu), tentu boleh duduk tepi laut, tempat yang Aaina suka... :)
